Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My family had always told me to be wary of those whose eyes had been
Battered from looking to longingly at the moon on colds wishing for the healing
of the bruises on their hearts battered by the institutional marginalization
Of a society that has consistently told them that they had no place
In the rays of the sun
They didn't know I was one
Of the moonwalkers
Of the dayfearers struck dumb by the brilliance of a star withheld from them
Knowing the isolation enforced from within and without when confronted with the 
presence of majority rules put in place because the majority rules
The pulpit, the schoolyard, the business sector, the political parties
That we must conveniently hear about through the grapevine because our
Invitations conveniently get lost in the hate mail
Do you know what it's like to have your name branded in a burn book
Because you love someone who has the same pieces as you and your told 
Time and time again that you could never fit
The feeling of never asking for a prom date because 
Best case scenario you'll end up on a pity date with the girl everyone thinks
Is your girlfriend anyway
Worst case scenario you'll end up with a black eye marking you as the boy whose 
Mirrors break a little too easily when he hears the word faggot
Walking on pieces of shattered glass trying to keep the idea of self concept alive
Underneath the unconvincing production of heterosexual mimickry
I will never forget the day you said you were gonna kill me 
When the secret pixelated out the graveyard of hastily deleted internet histories
And google searches
I was still your breed but somehow I didn't smell the same 
This is for the boys who cry themselves to sleep at night thinking they
Can drain the gay away 
This is for the girls whose idea of love is undermined by society's patriarchal
preoccupation to turn their intimacy into entertainment
Life is yours
This is your anthem
When the pulpit calls you an abomination
Life is yours
When the schoolyard bully screams sissy or dyke
Life is yours
When you feel like your floodgates are gonna overflow
Because the earthquake of your anxiety told 
the tsunami of your grief to surge with more 
Spirit than you think yours can handle
Life is yours
Life is yours
Life is yours
When grasping for hope has broken your fingers
Remember that suffering is only pain that lingers
When you want it to
When it's easier to wallow in the cesspool of your own defeat
Remember that your victory is just above the surface
Waiting for you to break it in
And clam the life that is yours
Even if it exists on the dark side of the moon
Being able to navigate the ancient depths of the craters
Will mark you as a a full-fledged moon walker
To those just beginning to find their way